Shortlisting and physical examination of Police Assistants by Y.E.A


 Shortlisting and physical examination of Police Assistant by YEA

Did you apply for the YEA community Police Assistant position? If so, then here is a great news for you. 

The Youth Employment Agency made a public announcement that, all applicants of the Youth Employment Agency’s Community Protection Assistants Module for the year 2022 are expected  to go through Physical examination and documentation at the YEA District Offices of the country on the this stated date:

Date of examination:

26th and 27th October, 2022

About YEA

The Youth Employment Agency popularly known as YEA, was established under the Youth Employment Act 2015  under Act 887 to empower young people to contribute meaningfully to the socio-economic and sustainable development of the Ghanaian nation. YEA main objective is to support the youth between the ages of 16 to 35 years through skills training and internship modules to transit from a situation of unemployment to that of effective employment and to give a maximum security service to the nation .


Come along with the following documents:

  • Ghana card 
  • Your certificate


Community Police are becoming the future for inclusive crime fighting and the CPU serves as the focal platform to develop strategies for the design and implementation of community policing throughout the country. 

The Community Police Unit seeks to find ways to enhance collaboration and communication with local communities, the Ghana Police Service (GPS) established the Community Policing Unit (CPU) in June 2002. By involving the community residents in policing, it imparts a sense of ownership,  willingness and personal responsibility for the safety and security of their local communities. At the same time communities assist the police in their crime prevention measures . It creates the awareness of the community members of the need to be stakeholders and patriotic members of their communities. 


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