how can i expand my business || how to grow your small business

 How to Expand Your Business Successfully

how can i expand my business || how to grow your small business

What to do to expand your business? How do you expand your business? A lot of people always wonder how to expand their business, be it small scale or large scale business. There are three main strategies that you can use to expand your business: you can start by  (1) acquisition (buying another company), (2) organic growth and (3) strategic alliances. The best option depends on your current resources, the size of your business and what strategies best fit with the stage of your company's life cycle.

In this blog i will explain all the ways to expand or grow your own business .follow to the end for more insights.

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Build an email list

Start by building an email list: As you build your business, you need to actively look for ways to find and connect with people who care about what you’re doing. One of those ways is through email. An email list isn’t just a digital version of a rolodex; it’s also a place where people can become super fans and evangelists for your work. Make sure your website has an email signup form, that all of your online profiles have clear contact information (including links where appropriate), and consider starting an email newsletter. Don’t be afraid to ask for emails . people are more than happy to give them! In fact, they often jump at opportunities to get more value from their favorite brands. Create a social media strategy: Social media can be one of your best tools when it comes to expanding your business. It gives you direct access to customers and allows you to interact with them on a personal level in real time. But before you dive in headfirst, make sure you understand how each platform works and how each fits into your overall marketing strategy and most importantly, know why you want or need each one together.

Start blogging

Quickly start blogging. Today! Don’t wait! Do it now! No, seriously, go do it. Here is why:

 1) businesses with blogs make more money than businesses without them.

 2) blogging keeps your content fresh and relevant in front of potential customers who may have forgotten about you (or don't know you yet). It can also help you target new audiences and industries that aren’t currently buying from you, helping you find new ways to grow. Even if your industry has a low propensity for digital marketing, like financial services or healthcare, you still should consider having a branded website and actively sharing relevant content on social media channels like Facebook and Twitter.

Manage social media

If you are running a small business, you probably have multiple social media accounts. (And if you don’t, now is an excellent time to start.) You may be tempted to use all of them at once—but resist! In fact, it’s important that you choose just one or two and give each of them your undivided attention. For example, pick one channel for communicating with customers, and another channel for growing your audience. Once you determine which platform(s) are most relevant for your business, assign someone in your organization as Social Media Manager. A great Social Media Manager will run posts through a CRM system like Facebook Insights and Twitter Analytics in order to measure your progress over time.

Ask for reviews on every platform you use

Start asking for reviews immediately .So you’ve created a great product and you know there’s a market for it. Now what? You need to get your new product in front of people. With so many review options out there, it can seem impossible to keep track of them all—and remember, that means taking advantage of each platform's unique style, as well. For example, if you go on Amazon and leave a review on a book using your Facebook account information (as opposed to creating an actual Amazon profile), then anyone who looks at your profile won't see that review listed. Other platforms have their own sets of rules about how many stars are required before reviewers can post comments or rate products.

Engage with users in real life

Start a good engagement with users . Word-of-mouth marketing, or word of mouse, is an incredibly effective way to market your product. When users see other people interacting with a product they’re interested in, they’re likely to want that same experience. For example, if you notice five customers in a day at your local bookstore reading and discussing novels by your favorite author, you might be more inclined than usual to purchase that author’s book for yourself. Word of mouth is powerful in large part because it happens organically, it's not something brands can create on their own, but once there's buzz about something consumers are interested in and are talking about publicly (on Twitter or Facebook), advertisers should take benefit of it however necessary .

Do giveaways/contests/competitions regularly/periodically 

Also start doing giveaways . People love free stuff. Do a giveaway, competition or customer contest and you will be doing your business a huge favour. It’s free advertising and people are more likely to talk about your brand if they have won something. You can also offer incentives for reviews on sites like Facebook, which is hugely beneficial for building word-of-mouth around your brand. Keep it regular and keep it fun , you might be amazed how many customers dive in !

Don’t forget about physical stores or events

Physical stores or events are also important. There are actually some pretty good reasons why brick-and-mortar stores and events aren’t a terrible idea in today’s digital world. First, when you sell in physical locations, you have a chance to make an impression on your customers and build relationships with them. You also get an opportunity to test what works in your business. And if it works, it’s probably not going away anytime soon, meaning it can be worth investing in that location or event. Second, as shoppers turn more and more toward E-commerce for their purchases, there are fewer blockages for how and when people shop than they do previously .


We conclude by saying that, the big takeaway here is that, generally speaking, you should avoid starting out with a bigger vision than you’re ready for. Whether it’s adding a second location, hiring new staff or moving into a larger space, expansion doesn’t always mean instant success. If your current business isn’t where you want it to be financially and operationally, work on improving those areas before scaling up. Also keep in mind that it may be harder (and costlier) than you expect to open new locations and hire additional employees. Evaluate whether these are realistic goals for your business. If you decide expansion is right for your company, carefully consider where and how much of it to first go for .

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